A Year in the Life of Morro Bay

Here it is one year later. Besides the declining economy, uber-competitive job market, and transitioning to one income; the move, overall, has been a positive one. Sure, there have been ups an downs and major adjustments, but we're still standing and with the ocean just a glance away, life is good.

I've come up with my Top Ten List (good and bad) of living in San Luis Obispo County.

The Good
1. the ocean
2. happier dogs
3. weather; smog free
4. slower pace
5. environmentally conscious
6. great places to walk
7. less front- and backyards to maintain
8. more active lifestyle
9. flannel sheets year-round
10. family & friends likely to visit more often

The Bad
1. job market
2. higher cost-of-living
3. lower payscale
4. slower pace
5. not a lot of diversity
6. doctors aren't as specialized
7. family and friends far away
8. start new friendship base
9. no Macys
10. contractors are dependent upon surf conditions

Prior to move-in (c. 3/08) and then one year later...