Our little lamb. |
The cotton balls didn't last too long... |
In all his glory... |
The best part of my costume were these shoes! A thrift store find to boot! |
Usually Halloween passes us by uneventfully. For the past few years, we've been lax about putting decorations up or evening carving pumpkins. I'm afraid we didn't do too much by way of decor this year. A few weeks prior, I was in a store and saw a cute little costume for Little P for about $10. Pretty inexpensive. I came close to buying it, but then I thought, maybe I should make her costume. After all, this is her first Halloween.
Then that same afternoon, we were invited to a Halloween party. Luckily, the invitation was actually a month before, so it gave us plenty of time to come up with a costume. Now mind you, my husband and I have actually never gone to a Halloween party since we've been together or even hosted a party (that translates to 13 years!). Crazy, now that I think about it.
Originally I was going to make an owl costume for P, but after thinking about the wings and having to hold her throughout the evening, I thought against it. So, I found the lamb idea on Martha Stewart's website. It was very simple to put together, and I must say, she was awfully cute!
For my costume, I also had to consider it being a "baby friendly" one so I could hold her without dealing with attachments and such. I chose Pippi Longstocking because she is one of the many characters in books that I have loved throughout my childhood. Again, this was an easy costume to put together as well. I found the dress and shoes at a thrift store, bought the wig, and socks, and I was ready to go. As for my husband, he took some time to come up with an idea. After shopping at some thrift stores, an idea started to morph. It changed a couple times to finally end up as a Tea Party Guardian. He held the sign and glued a bunch of signs that came from their website. It was a very clever costume, and it was a great conversation piece at the party!
P had a great time with her cotton balls. We had to take off her costume because the cotton balls were so tempting.
I only regret not going to the pumpkin patch to get some snapshots of her with the pumpkins. Oh well. One step at a time...at least we made it to a party this year.