For crafty folks, if you've never checked out then you're missing out. I cannot take credit for these sweet little owls--I purchased instructions from this website the day I went into labor. Finally after 2 months, I finished the mobile for Little P's room. It was actually fairly easy, just time-consuming. So, every chance I got when Little P was napping, I grabbed my stuff and sewed away. The bodies of the owls are from little girl socks. How clever!
My favorite flowers are hydrangeas and sweet peas. Both are fairly easy to grow and maintain. I don't know why it took me forever to start growing sweet peas. Last year when we started our square foot garden, we planted some sweet peas. They did very well last year and continue to do so with very little maintenance.
Our garden has been a little challenging lately with so many slugs being enticed with our young seedlings. RT has tried organic methods to keep the slugs at bay--putting out beer apparently does the trick!
After spending the day weeding the backyard, installing a door to the shed, reorganizing the garage, RT brought me a vase full of lovely sweet peas! I was so thrilled to see them in all their pink glory. I couldn't resist taking a few photos. How sweet it is!
After spending the day weeding the backyard, installing a door to the shed, reorganizing the garage, RT brought me a vase full of lovely sweet peas! I was so thrilled to see them in all their pink glory. I couldn't resist taking a few photos. How sweet it is!

My first day back, I didn't really think about what RT and Little P were up to. I think I was so caught up in my work that I didn't have time to think about home. I felt kind of bad that I didn't call to check up on them. The surprising thing was that even though Little P and I spend 24/7 with each other, I actually found myself missing her a lot and couldn't wait to get back home to hold her!
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