Mother's Day Round 2

Here it is Mother's Day! It really seems silly to celebrate this day when everyday is mother's day, right? As you can tell from the photo, it is pretty still dressed in my pjs without having had a shower yet, no make-up, in my glasses. Yeah, pretty glamorous, that about sums it up!
But, this was a very special day because I had the whole day to myself! RT had a end of the year party with the Cuesta Biology Dept at the Ken Norris Rancho Marino Reserve (UC Santa Cruz-managed Nature Preserve in Cambria), so he decided to take P so I could have time to myself.
They were actually gone for quite a long time. I was busy with a sewing project that took the entire time. It was nice to have that big chunk of time.
I love being P's mom. I am so thankful that she is in my life. I am loving her personality, her spirit, and everything about this little person that she is becoming. Most especially, I am thankful for my mom and all the sacrifices she made for my sisters and me. I strive to be the kind of mom that my mom was for me, unselfish, giving, and kind to everyone. I love you P and I love you Mom ♥!

A Revisit to Monterey Bay Aquarium

We had promised my mom a trip to the aquarium for her birthday last year. Well, we finally made good on it this year! Besides my mom, my dad,  my sister and her family joined us, so it was fun-filled weekend with the family.
It was a good chance to hang out and catch up with my older nephew, while it was great for P to hang out with her younger cousin. They sure were delirious together! It was fun to watch those two.
It was a first visit for my folks, my brother-in-law, and my nephews. I think everyone had a good time and were definitely amazed by all the sea life.