When we got ready for dessert, we had gotten all the pies out. As my sister grabbed the last one out of the refrigerator, she turned and thwack! Her pumpkin cheesecake slid off of the plate and onto the floor! We all just stood there in shock and then started laughing.
We started dismantling our spare bedroom to get ready for our impending arrival in March. Unfortunately the yellow I just painted in that room isn't going to work with my color scheme; so it's off to Home Depot for another round of painting.
We inherited a rocker from the McConnells, and RT thought it'd be a good idea to practice rocking the baby in the rocker. Poor Jannu was the guinea pig, and she was not happy, even with RT singing a lullaby! We are at 22 weeks in our pregnancy. There have been moments, lately, where we both stop and wonder, "Are we ready for this?"

It's early...Friday morning...my alarm starts buzzing. Then RT's radio starts blaring. Ugh...where am I? What day is it? How many more minutes can I sleep in? You know the feeling. Sad thing is, both RT and I have today off. So, why are our alarms going off?
Well, I have to get up and drive myself to SLO to meet my personal trainer, and RT's hitting the waves for some surf action. I looked over at RT, and just started laughing. I thought, who are these people in this bed?
If anyone knows me, you know that I absolutely detest exercise. It's definitely the coastal air that motivates me, and the fact that everyone here is healthy and fit. Plus, I've found an all-women's gym (no, not Curves) that I absolutely love, and my trainer is fabulous!
For years, I've been whining that I need to get in shape. It's definitely ironic that when I actually started to get serious about excercising, I found out I was pregnant! Oh yeah, I also start my yoga classes tomorrow.
We are always our worst critics, but I must give a pat on the back for being committed with my training and with RT for his dedication to the waves and personal motivation.
This weekend was also the time when we were able to let the cat out of the bag about my pregnancy. This weekend was equally special to me because three years ago on the same occasion, my friend KCo broke the news that she was pregnant and our baby is due around the same time that her son was born...wouldn't it be a riot if our children shared the same birthday?
I was so excited because for the first time ever, I was able to work on a baby scrapbook album for myself! I've done quite a few over the years (I think 7 of them) and have loved making them for special friends and my sister, but now it's my turn!
It's funny, because our first couple of years, we started out staying up all hours of the night; one time staying up till 4 am. As we're getting "older", we're hard-pressed to make it to midnight!!! We always have a lot of fun. I was so excited to catch up with my girlfriends, gossip, and snack the night away.
Thank you so much J & L for your enthusiasm and helping hands!
master gardener & his apprentice...
Maritime Chaparral