My scrappy friends and I had a debate a while back about the differences among cage-free, free-range, and organic eggs. When you go to the grocery store, you're inundated with a wide variety of eggs, and now they have included omega-3 enriched. You've got brown egg and Eggland's Best. Then, you look at prices and that means an extra five minutes to make your decision. Well, from what I've been reading, cage-free and free-range are pretty worthless as there are really no standard regulations for those labels. Good ol' marketing in the works! Organic seems to be the way to go in terms of what hens are fed, no GMOs or hormones, and hens are truly not kept in cages. If you really want to know where your eggs are coming from or what the hens are being fed, you could raise your own chickens. I'm not sure we're ready for that yet, but this is a good source if you're thinking about it
http://www.backyardchickens.com/. Or, go for the next best thing and find a source close to home where you can actually see or visit the farm. I'm looking into a couple close by and found them through
http://www.localharvest.org/. Even if the prices are higher, at least we'll be supporting the local economy and minimizing packaging and shelf life! I think eggs are the perfect food. Give eggs a break!
thanks for sharing your research! Saves me the time! I've been thinking about you a lot lately, as I'm preparing my first square foot bed & have no idea what I'm doing! ha-ha! maybe I should just raise chickens instead...