You've Got A Friend In Me

We recently had a chance to catch up with RT's BFF from highschool and his family. We're really trying to make a point of staying connected and now especially since we both have little girls. We snuck in a quick visit before attending the birthdays bash at the Aptos B&B.
First of all, we finally were able to see their new house (they moved there a couple of years ago). When Mike described this house, he made it sound like it was a rinky dink shack on some land. Well, it's a 100 year-old historical home on an acre of beautiful land. The house is even painted in the colors I have always envisioned my house to be! I absolutely love everything about the house and property. Sure, they traded for better location and downsized to a much smaller house, but it has so much character and is so charming!
Anyhow, we decided that after the family party, we would head back out there to spend the evening with them. When we got there, they had the playdough station all set up for the girls. P had so much fun interacting with their daughter. I have never really seen her play with another person (even at day care, I don't really see her interact with the others).
We spent a few hours there, sitting by the fire, listening to owls, coyotes, and other wildlife. The guys reminisced about the past. It was such a wonderful feeling to be around old friends. That is something we have really missed since we moved here.

We put the girls to bed (P fell asleep in my lap, which was a treat for me since she hasn't done that since her baby days), while their daughter spent a few rounds getting up for a glass of water, etc. That was funny to witness. We know what's in store for us!
The kicker from this night is that I got roped in to going along with RT for his class reunion. Mike begged me to go so Janet would have some company. I am going but with lots of relunctance!
To old friends, to good friends! 

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