Jannu and the Dirty Dozen


Side note: Jannu ran away from home. Or, I should rephrase that: Jannu ran away to try to find us! We left her by herself for just an evening (Friday evening) since our friends who usually watch her were coming back into town the following afternoon. I happened to look at my phone on Sunday morning and read that somehow our neighbor has Jannu. After a phone call to figure everything out, Jannu had escaped to Del Mar Liquor Store, which is close to Highway 1. They picked her up and called my cell phone but didn't get an answer (cell phone service is sketchy up at Big Sur), so someone took her to our house but since we weren't home, they knocked on other neighbors' houses to ask if she belonged to us. It all worked out in the end, but we are lucky that someone picked her up and called us.

This is the second time Jannu ran away. When we returned home on Monday, I noticed the smoke detector was beeping because of a low battery. When Jannu ran away a couple of years ago when we left her by herself for the first time, the same thing happened! I think we are not supposed to ever leave her along! Point taken!

Jannu turned 12 this year. She has been such a trooper since we had P. She doesn't get nearly the same attention she used to. She's been very patient with P and a lot more tolerable than before. It seems we're away from home more so Jannu's left by herself more. When we travel anywhere even camping, Jannu gets shipped off to our friends' the Mayotts or to my parents.Even though she's pretty spry, jumps up and down the furniture with no problems, and plays like she always has, you can tell she's getting older. She's more sensitive to noise. She's constantly pitter-pattering and seems a little neurotic.

We still love her more and more and always are eager to come home to see her. She's always so excited to see us. P just adores her and even refers to each other as "sisters". Happy Birthday Jannu Jaybird!

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