Memorial Day BBQ

We had a chance to get away from the house and mingle with new friends over the weekend. RT and I were just discussing how some of the friends we have made since we moved here are all moving away! You can't blame's so hard to make a living here with scarce opportunities for jobs and if you do land a job, the pay is so miniscule that it's hard to make ends meet. For our friends who have moved on to new adventures, we wish them luck and happiness and hopefully they'll return to this area--if not to live, then at least to visit!

Anyhow, we had a great time at the barbecue. One of the couples had twin baby boys about 6 weeks old. My friend Wende is expecting in November. Her bro and sis-in-law are expecting in September, and they have a 2 year-old cutie, Aya. She was fascinated with Little P and even made up a song in her honor! Then, there was us with our 11 week-old. It was a houseful of new and expecting parents!

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