You Can Take the Girl Out of Teaching...

But you can't take the teacher out of the girl! I had the opportunity to teach a lesson to five different 4th grade classes at AgVenture at the Paso Robles fairgrounds today. (This event is very similar to the one I participated in when I taught 3rd grade in Fresno--Farm & Nutrition Day at the Fresno fairgrounds). The theme was Earth Resources and as a representative of my work, I presented a lesson using an apple that represented the earth. The gist of the lesson was to prove how important land is to us, specifically agricultural land. I showed how 1/32 parts of the earth's surface (cutting up the apple) is actually used to grow crops to feed the entire world's population! The kids were very attentive and fascinated. They were a very nice group of kids. The teacher in me came out, and it was like stepping into an old pair of shoes!
Speaking of apples, my work owns property that they lease to a local farmer. He was generous enough to let us pick apples so we could give all 150 kids an apple. Boy, did they appreciate it as did their teachers and chaperones. They were pretty hungry especially as it got closer to lunch time!
A couple days before, we took some time to "de-stress" and went apple picking! After our big Creek Day event, it was sorely needed.
Despite all the rain, it was a fun day. I even have leftover apples...maybe to make an apple pie, apple carrot muffins, or applesauce for Miss P.
It was such a refreshing day, it got me thinking that maybe I will go back to teaching after all...yeah right! No thanks! The grass always looks greener on the other side...
My blog buddy!


Oh happy day!

The first season's rain, and the perfect time to test out my new rain boots!

The Great AgVenture. Some of them are paying attention...

A New 'Do

RT chopped off his hair! He came home last night and totally surprised me! He looks so different to me. After three years of longer hair, he wanted to "mix it up". I think he looks great! I really liked his longer hair, but it is good to change things once in a while. It'll be fun to see who notices in the next few days and see what kind of comments he'll get.

Heat Wave

Yuck! The weather here has been atrocious! Not only have I grown accustomed to the cooler and foggier climate here, but it's the only climate our daughter knows, too. Because the main living in our house is the second floor, it gets really hot. For a few days, it has been 84° in the house! Nobody has A/C here, and luckily we still have the old '70s ceiling fan in the living room. It's almost bearable because it's a once-in-a-while phenomenon and once the sun goes down, it cools down pretty quick.

What's not tolerable is being at work. At my work, our office is in an old, historical Victorian house--beautiful house. Not so beautiful without A/C and being 91° while working!!!
I guess throughout California it's been crazy hot. How many folks out there still think that there is no such thing as global warming? This intense heat when fall just started?
The fog has since rolled back in and now I can think straight.