Braving the Ocean

The ocean is a scary and daunting thing for a child, even though we walk along the beach regularly. It hasn't been until this time where P has actually ventured into the ocean. Maybe because this year we've been enrolled in swimming lessons for a consecutive 9 months now rather than just 3 months during the summers (yes, quite a commitment considering the drive is 40 one way to Arroyo Grande!). Maybe because her new friend Charlotte was with her to give her confidence. Who knows? All I know is that it was mighty cold and overcast, not the best day to take a dip in the ocean, but once she got a taste for it, she was hooked! We were at Avila Beach, where it's usually sunny and warmer compared to Morro Bay or Pismo, but the sun never came out!
This day was actually a staff retreat/bonding day and kids were invited. One of my colleagues brought her kids so the girls played together and Stacey and I chatted and did not "bond" with other staff. Ha. Ha. It was fun for us moms to catch up. We're also a small enough staff that we know and like each other very well. Plus, the bonus was that we were getting paid to watch our kids have fun at the beach!
Today actually reminded me of the episode of the Office when they have beach day. We had a good time and P was tired by the end of it.

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