A-Camping We Will Go!

It has been a very long time since I've posted anything, and I am way behind on what we've been up to. The excuses are: 1) addicted to Pinterest, 2) sewing is occupying the snippets of free time, 3) I'm on the computer at work all day, so it's the last thing I want to do when I'm at home.
Nonetheless, this blog chronicles our life, so I feel compelled to keep it up and hopefully it's entertaining for others!
We figured since we weren't going to be taking any outlandish vacations soon, we may as well make a small investment in a tent trailer! We actually bought it from a woman who lived pretty close to our old stompin' grounds on Dayton Street, so we immediately felt a connection.
She's an older gal, but not quite vintage yet but we like the "retro" look of her.
P really loves the tent trailer. We are planning some trips up to the Eastern Sierra Nevada range soon and hopefully some local campspots and if we can get in, to Big Sur.
In the meantime, we did a test run just north of Cayucos and pulled over on Highway 1. It's great, but when you forget to put the jack on one end, it will flip the trailer to one side which is EXACTLY what happened! P and I were lounging on one side of the bed and RT decides to join us. Suddenly the trailer tips over and scares the daylights out of me. I think P saw my face and just started freaking out and crying. It was so hilarious, though. I felt bad laughing, even though I wasn't laughing at her but at the situation. I'm sure we must have looked a site from passers-by on the highway! Stay tuned for tent traveling adventures!

1 comment:

  1. SO jealous! I want a tent trailer! I'm finally feeling like I'm too old to be sleeping on the ground. Have fun with your camping adventures this summer!
