Horses, Neigh!

Our daughter seems to have an affinity to horses. I'm not sure when, why, or how this came about, but it's been steadily growing in the past year--her interest. For a birthday, she had asked for a pink horse and she's been given quite a few horse-related gifts from friends and family.
Our friend Marta has a lot of horses and has visited a few times lately and always brings gifts that are horse-related of course. P can't wait to "go ride" one of her horses. With summer coming up and the weather being so hot, I can't really envision a trip out to see their horses in the near future!
So, recently P has been asking to see a "horse running" and wants to be able to pet one. I asked my colleague (who is a horse person) about where to go and I researched some local facilities. Too bad RT's sis no longer has her horses and stables!
We went out to Cal Poly's Equine Center this morning and had our pick of which horses to pet, feed carrots, and talk to. She really wanted to pet the foals but they were too far away in their corrals. We had one favorite mare who was probably drawn to us because she smelled or saw the carrots. It was fun to feed her the carrots from my palm but P was too scared to do it. The horse would sniff her skirt and that freaked her out a little bit. "I don't want the horse to eat my dress!"
I have never been a horse person, never had a desire to ride a horse, never really was around them, but I have to admit, I do find myself really attracted to them. I think this will have to be a routine thing where we go out and see the horses. We'll see if P's interest continues or if it's just a phase. Until then, I'll brush up on my horse language!
C'mon Mom!

She was my favorite!

P wanted to go under the fence  into the corral to pet the babies.

P's favorite was the black horse!

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