Happy 4th Birthday!

Happy Birthday to our little girl who is growing up too fast! Low-key birthday celebration this year with just her buddy, Bode and family, the night before with Pizza Port and cake afterwards. There are lots of things to reflect upon this past year with P and her developmental milestones. 
The most impressionable personality trait that came through loud and clear was her strong-will. There are some things where once she made up her mind, there was no swaying her. She's so fiercely independent in that. She's her own person and doesn't back down from what she believes. At times this has been so frustrating (and for someone who's a control freak, to some degree), it has been a lesson for all of us.
Right after three, there were so many big changes in her personality. Part of that was because she switched from being a big fish in a little pond (daycare) to the bigger arena of preschool. Daycare was predominantly boys, while preschool had a lot of estrogen, dresses, and tutus. We have since discarded any jeans and to this day she will not wear any pants (only leggings or shorts if it's really hot). 
I have learned to let go and choose my battles wisely. She is an eclectic dresser and chooses clothes with mismatching patterns and colors, as long she feels good in it and as long as she has a say in what she wears, we're golden!
Although she likes to wear dresses, tights, and sparkly shoes, she is not a girly girl. She likes to play in the dirt, run around, and is almost like a tomboy.
She has an incredible memory and remembers lots of details (scary at times and incriminating, too!). She loves to sing and dance.
Food has not been too much of an issue. She's still a good eater, but has definitely been more picky with the veggies and has discovered her sweet tooth with candies and chocolate.
Having no siblings, she does extremely well playing by herself and keeping herself entertained. She doesn't really play with dolls or Barbies (thank goodness!) but rather with all her horses or Pony Pals. Go figure. 
She's a sweet and sensitive girl. She's funny and makes us laugh all the time. Overall, we've heard and experienced that three-going-on-four is the most challenging stage and that four-going-on-five is so much better. In our case, this has been true. I can understand that because at three, she was experiencing so much emotion but still had trouble expressing herself. The funny thing about all these "stages" is that once they're over, you sort of forget about them or forget why they were so challenging.
Right now, our little girl is breezing through age four with no big challenges. I guess, we'll keep her after all!

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